Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention 2024 (Day 4 - Morning Session) 

Date: Wednesday, 21st August 2024

Minister: Pastor Grezgorz Dabrowski


Transcript Excerpt


“And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.” (1 John 5:20). Without the coming of the Son, there are certain understandings that would be impossible to come to us. Until we receive the understanding He is bringing, we would not be able to know the true God. God wants to bring us to the place where we get to know the true God. The enemy has taught us to form a god according to our desires (a god that has a form according to what is inside us); this is the power of the enemy.


God cannot fully open up Himself to us because He would be too frightening to us. Therefore, He has to do it according to the measure of our growth. We often think of God in a certain way, whereas He is the direct opposite. As long as we are children, He will keep giving us what we understand. When God is coming, He has started giving us an understanding (1 John 5:20). 


“For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” (2 Pet. 1:16). For His coming to fully manifest, power must continually be released until salvation is complete.  In Hebrews, we see that Jesus sat on the right hand of the Majesty therefore, He has a new ministry (Heb 1:3). This new ministry is expressed as He sits on the throne of God and releases a certain path that gives God to people. He does this by giving the life that is in that throne. This means that there is a certain power in the throne of God which He wants to release unto the church. Without that power being released, His coming will not be possible. 


The fact that there have been a lot of emphasis on the salvation of our souls means that God wants to form us according to His image and likeness. God is a God of priests and the true God is a priestly God. As a Priest, Jesus is a building that has been raised of the Spirit and the Word, and as He stands, He makes it possible for God to inhabit a soul. God is building us up to a holy priesthood, so that we can come to Him and He can come to us. 


“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” (Heb. 9:28). Not every believer is looking for Christ unto salvation. He is coming to appear without sin unto those who are looking for Him. That means He is going to be revealing to us what it means to be without sin. He is coming unto those who have loved His coming, but He has to reveal unto us what it means for us to be without sin because many things we feel are godly are still sin to Him. This is why the Lord has been placing emphasis on the motives of our hearts. 


God is going to teach us, in our relationships with one another, what it means to relate with one another without sin. This includes how wives should respect their husbands; acknowledge him as the head and do it without sin, not to accomplish their selfish desires. He is also going to be showing husbands how to love their wives, not on the basis of selfish desires.  God is coming to us and teaching us purity because the true God is for pure souls. God can only live in a completely pure soul (Eph. 5:27). Therefore, He uses our daily relationships to prepare us for Himself. 


God is placing emphasis on marriage because He wants us to have relationships that are devoid of seeking personal benefits. God is coming to us and touching every aspect of our lives and every issue that is in us. God is touching these issues because the depth to which we have learnt to love those whom God has given us is what is preparing us for Him. There is a program of love (the way love thinks, lives, behaves). Everything outside that code is of sin. 


God's very soul is revealed in scripture, although it is hidden and to be revealed only to those who can go through the process of the cross and not of pleasure. God is coming out of the scripture much more. He is revealing Himself through scriptures more to us and we are coming into the era where the Son of God is emerging from scripture. A certain era in the heavens has been opened by the Father and when that era is opened, there is a certain level of revelation that is more than what we have had up to this point. We need this because that which is coming on earth is the image of the son of perdition. But God is giving the image of His own Son because He wants to secure and seal us from that which is coming. 


Jesus is constantly interceding for us and has received a more excellent ministry. It means that the ministry He presently has is different from the one He had on earth. That means that while He was on earth, though He was among the people, He could not yet bring them into perfection because He had to first ascend into the heavens, deal with sin, destroy the enemy, appear before the Father and wait till the Father asked Him to sit. 


The mercy of God is that He first finished that ministry to reconcile people to the Father. Then, He went to heaven. But the Father said that His ministry was not yet finished. This means that there is a new one waiting for Him and this one is more excellent. That also means this ministry He presently has gives perfect and excellent things because it gives that which is in God Himself to men. 


God wants to dwell in us. That should be the one purpose of our lives and our only dream should be to become like Him. If we are to have any goal in life, it should not be that we want to be “big men of God”, but that we should be like Christ. We should be big on the inside. We should be so big on the inside that that greatness on the inside will cover everything on the outside. To be ‘big”, men should love their wives. We should desire to be big on our insides. A person who is really great on the inside is very small in his own eyes. 


Every minister has to overcome that false God in him. The false god (idol) is quite big. We should not go back to the things God has already dealt with in us, because that is the soul of a dog. There is a certain mercy and grace that we need when we are small. The more we follow God, the more we see how much salvation we need. We need more salvation now than we previously did. There are moments when nobody sees or hears us and those are the moments where Satan is our friend, because then he comes to us. 



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